与客工搏感情20多年的医生吴伟良:秋天了就该潇洒放手离去 (Engaging migrant workers for over two decades, Dr Goh Wei Leong: When autumn comes, it’s time to let go)
Lianhe Zaobao
IN FOCUS: Danger zones – how workplace safety lapses are costing lives
Channel News Asia
宿舍放宽外出限制 客工顾客回流小印度生意渐有起色 (Dormitories loosen movement restrictions, migrant workers return to Little India)
Lianhe Zaobao
Avantor and Avantor Foundation Make a Difference by Providing Critical Health Services for Vulnerable Communities in Singapore
Yahoo Finance
国家队射击手转换跑道学医 (National team shooter switches career track into medicine
ZB Schools
南大李光前医学院168名新生再创纪录 国家队射击手转换跑道学医 (NTU School of Medicine breaks record; National shooter switches career track to medicine)
Lianhe Zaobao
ST rates S’pore’s response to Covid-19: Handling the situation in migrant worker dorms
The Straits Times
筑牢安全网让工伤意外’清零’(Build a safety net to prevent workplace accidents)
Lianhe Zaobao
Friendship Beyond Borders
Law Gazette
Workers get free dental check-up
Tamil Murasu (Tabla)
Three healthcare professionals awarded Lee Kuan Yew Scholarship
逾400客工参加 首个牙齿检查活动 (Over 400 migrant workers participate in first dental check-up)
Lianhe Zaobao
Online bite-sized workplace safety courses to be piloted for migrant workers
The Straits Times
康侍接客工求助电话 月均增近两倍至1700通 (HealthServe’s crisis helpline receives triple the monthly average of calls from migrant workers, amounting to about 1700 calls)
Lianhe Zaobao
正华小学生自筹礼包相送 客工喜出望外 (Zheng Hua primary students donate gift bags to migrant workers, migrant workers overjoyed)
Lianhe Zaobao
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