Our Donors
We could not continue to support the migrant worker community in Singapore without the kindness and generosity of our donors. Your gifts are transforming lives.
Your support provides the backbone of HealthServe and is invaluable to our efforts.
We believe in a society where every migrant worker lives a life of health, well-being, and dignity. We would like to acknowledge the following people and organisations for their amazing effort, time, energy and support they have contributed towards our initiatives to help the migrant community in Singapore.

Corporate and Other Institutional Donors in 2023
$500,000 and above
- Chen Su Lan Trust
$200,000 to $499,999
- Tolaram
$100,000 to $199,999
- MigrantWell Singapore Limited
$50,000 to $99,999
- Feature Development Pte Ltd
- LyGH Capital Pte Ltd
- Singapore Land Group Limited
$10,000 to $49,999
- Centurion Corporation Limited
- Cooley SG LLP
- Dr Warren Lee’s Paediatrics, Growth & Diabetes Centre Pte Ltd
- Holywell Foundation Limited
- Kingdomcity Global Limited
- Manulife (Singapore) Pte Ltd
- Tee Up Dormitory Pte Ltd
- The Community Foundation Of Singapore
- The Majurity Trust Limited
- Wesley Methodist Church
$1,000 to S$9,999
- AstuitOne Pte Ltd
- Citizen Adventures Private Limited
- Danielle Van de Velde Pte Ltd
- Eastspring Investments (Singapore) Limited
- Far East Organization Centre Pte Ltd
- Gracefield Foundation Ltd
- Keppel Care Foundation Limited
- Loomis Sayles
- Investments Asia Pte Ltd
- Maestro Bee Pte Ltd
- Mangudhvaga Buddhist Lodge
- Miaoyin Buddhist Club
- Migrant Workers’ Assistance Fund
- Shake Shack Singapore Jewel Pte Ltd
- STT Tai Seng Pte Ltd
- Tulsi Ong Trust
- WorkWell Leaders Ltd
Donations in kind

If you would like to learn more you may contact us at:
With your donation, we can keep our clinic and health services running for migrant workers who need support.
We are also thankful to receive donations-in-kind and sponsorships from the following organisations:
- Far East Organisation
- Geylang Adventures
- Holywell Foundation Limited
- Lojel Singapore Pte Ltd
- Marriott International – Junior Business Council
- NETS Singapore
- QST Technologies Pte Ltd
- The Body Shop
- T-Pride Pte Ltd
- Triple N Supermart Pte Ltd
- Zhenghua Primary School
- Zurich Life
Hear From Our Corporate Donors
We want to recognise the migrant community’s contribution to Singapore’s built environment and show our appreciation for their hard work and sacrifices. We are heartened that with our support, more migrant workers can benefit from HealthServe’s holistic suite of services... We must build stronger connections between the migrant and local communities for Singapore to be a truly inclusive and open society. We hope that more organisations will join us to support this often under-appreciated group.

Mr Jonathan Eu

SingLand’s three-year financial support for HealthServe will go towards programmes focused on mental health, dental care and chronic disease management for vulnerable low-wage migrant workers.
We wanted to show support for the migrant worker community that has helped build Singapore to the great country that it is today. This is why we are delighted to partner organisations like HealthServe who play an important role in our society by supporting and addressing unmet needs in our communities.

Mr Alexander Harrison

Barclays is committed to helping its customers, clients, colleagues, and the wider community deal with the current unprecedented medical and economic crisis caused by Covid-19. In response to our fight against Covid-19, Barclays has pledged to support charity partners in the countries that we operate in with the launch of the £100 million Covid-19 Community Aid Package in April 2020. The package aims to support charities working to care for vulnerable people impacted by Covid-19, and to alleviate the associated social and economic hardship caused by the crisis.