Singapore, 22 November 2023 – In recognition of its disclosure and transparency practices, HealthServe is honoured to receive the Charity Transparency Award at the Charity Transparency and Governance Awards 2023.
Conferred by Singapore’s Charity Council, the awards were introduced in 2016 to recognise charities with exemplary disclosure and transparency practices set out under the Charity Transparency Framework (CTF).
HealthServe was one of the 80 award recipients at the annual Charity Transparency and Governance Awards organised by the Ministry of Community, Culture, and Youth (MCCY). Graced by Minister Edwin Tong, the award ceremony took place at the Suntec Singapore Convention and Exhibition Centre on 21 November this year.
“We are greatly honoured and humbled by this prestigious award, which we would like to share with our community of donors, volunteers and partners,” shared Dr Benjamin Kuan, HealthServe’s CEO.
“As a charity entrusted with public funds, this important acknowledgement is testament to our dedication to uphold our corporate governance and transparency standards. We will continue to strive for the highest standards to honour the trust placed in us by supporters and clients alike.”
The CTF closely aligns with the Code of Governance for Charities and Institutions of a Public Character (IPCs), emphasising nine key dimensions as crucial areas for disclosure:
1. Board and Executive Management
2. Strategic Direction and Programme Management
3. Human Resource Management
4. Management of Conflict of Interest
5. Financial Management and Internal Controls
6. Conduct of Fundraising Activities
7. Auditor’s Report
8. Timeliness of Disclosure
9. Other Commendable Areas
To be eligible for assessment, charities must:
· Be a registered charity and/or an IPC operational in Singapore for at least three years
· Have submitted Annual Reports, Financial Statements, and Governance Evaluation Checklists (GECs) for the two immediately preceding financial years, with the latter year’s submission being on time.
· Have gross annual receipts of not less than $50,000 in the immediate preceding financial year
Eligible charities are then automatically selected for assessment by independent assessors and validators, using publicly available sources such as Annual Reports, Financial Statements, Governance Evaluation Checklists (GECs), official websites, and Facebook pages (if applicable).
For more details on HealthServe’s corporate governance and Governance Evaluation Checklist (GEC) compliance, please click here.