Hearing from the Helpline: “I feel lost in this big city”

We hear from Jyothi, HealthServe’s Crisis Helpline Specialist, as she recounts her story with Vihaan (not his real name), a migrant brother who came down with chicken pox one day after starting work in Singapore. “As a Crisis Helpline Specialist, I encounter a wide range of cases, each with unique challenges and needs. […]
Life After a Work Injury: Surviving the impact of a 250kg fan falling onto my legs

“When I woke up, I found my legs wrapped in bandages. I thought I might have lost them forever.” Imagine waking up in an ICU, unable to feel your legs. This was the ordeal 31-year-old Pandi faced a year ago, after a 250kg fan hit his legs in a fan repair service gone […]
Heroes of Our Time: Mr Pu
“应该是和平共生,和平相处,没有谁歧视谁” (‘There is no need for discrimination, we should live together peacefully and work together’ in English), Mr Pu explains that while he has not personally experienced any discrimination in Singapore, he has seen negative comments about migrant workers online about how they are stealing jobs away from locals. Mr Pu came to […]
Mr Congeniality

With an amicable face that is more often than not lit up with a smile, A* has been dubbed “Mr Congeniality” by some members of the HealthServe team. After hearing about HealthServe’s clinic from a friend after experiencing gastric pain, A* visited our Geylang clinic in April 2020. Subsequently, he has been at […]
A New Opportunity

After completing pre-university education, D* first came to Singapore in 2007 to work. As the oldest child in his family, he sacrificed higher education and instead worked so that his family could afford to send his two younger siblings to university. Now, he also earns money to support his parents and his three-year-old […]
Best Friends Day – Found Family
In my first meeting with Hasan, we had been speaking for around fifteen minutes when he had to cut his interview short. He had received a phone call, one so important he picked up right after seeing the caller ID. “I have emergency,” he said. I wondered momentarily if it was about the […]
Leaving Singapore in hopes to return again
AS arrived in Singapore in April 2019, with the same hopes as many other migrant brothers – to better provide for his family. However in his time as a construction worker here, he claims that his employer borrowed $1,000 from him on two different occasions, stating that the company needed his money to […]
Saying goodbye to an old friend, S

“Come, try this!” Sudipta, one of our caseworkers, said as she extended a tin of Bangladeshi sweets to everyone in the office. “He brought it for us.” – S, beaming in his bright purple shirt, was previously a migrant brother who sought help from HealthServe. Waving ‘hello’ to all of us, he seemed […]
International Women’s Day – YE
This #InternationalWomensDay, let’s show appreciation to the women who leave their homes to work for their families. In this feature, written by HealthServe Communications and Engagement Intern, Lavelle, we follow the story of YE, a migrant sister with HealthServe who has both moved and inspired her since the day she started her internship […]
Memories, the biggest takeaway

在康侍最开心的时刻就是康侍组织我们全部一起去郊外游玩。去植物园、动物园、去星耀机场、滨海湾花园。在郊外旅行的情况下我们能忘记一切的烦恼。这就是最大的收获。当你一个人沉静下来回想你的处境的话,可能是焦虑、悲伤。(My happiest memory in HealthServe is when they organised outings for us. When we go to places like Botanic Gardens, the Zoo, Jewel Airport, and Gardens by the Bay – outings like these help us forget our worries. Those are our biggest takeaways. When we’re alone and sullen, thinking about the situation we’re […]
Bridging Communities with ZJ
我们的威海市去年说是中国宜居城市之一!(Our WeiHai city is ranked one of the top liveable cities in China last year!)” Coming from WeiHai city in Shandong province, ZJ describes his hometown with pride. Located next to the sea, it is a picturesque city filled with mountains and beaches. For 10 years, ZJ worked in a fishing rod manufacturing […]
Beyond the Language Barrier
At the end of 2016, after saying goodbye to his parents, sister, wife and young son, LK arrived in Singapore from Khulna, Bangladesh for the second time. Six years ago, LK had worked in Singapore. However, he shared that due to low pay, poor facilities and the strong need to rest, he returned […]
SR’s Story – Father’s Day June Feature

SR, is a father of 3 who left Bangladesh for the 1st time last year and through a series of unfortunate circumstances found himself seeking help from HealthServe. This is longer than our usual stories but we hope that it will bring awareness to the reasons behind the risks our migrant brothers take […]
SR- An Encouraging Presence

SR came to Singapore from Bangladesh in 2018, but was only able to work seven months before he got injured. Above the age of 40, he is older and more experienced than many of the other Bangladeshi workers and has a larger family back home depending on him. SR attended school until he […]
Our Class Monitor, FJ
Known as the “class monitor” at HealthServe for his respectable image among the migrant brothers, FJ is always seen with a smile across his face. Whenever another fellow migrant brother needs assistance or advice, FJ will readily offer his help without fail. But what others fail to notice is the pain hidden behind […]